So whenever I come to India, crazy things happen to me....That is to be expected!!! I'm sure those of you who have gone to India, would say that everyday is an adventure! So let me list some ot the interesting, crazy things that have happened so far...
- Yesterday we were in an autorickshaw (these three wheeled small vehicles) and our driver was going extremely fast...Driving in India is like playing a video game (frogger)...You have all these people walking from all sides, animals crossing (cows, pigs, dogs, elephants, camels), and the rickshaws are trying to navigate through the narrow streets along with buses, trucks, large 4X4's and other vehicles...Our autorickshaw mowed this lady down...She appeared to be okay, but that was scary!!! These autorickshaws zip in and out of traffic and it seems like they are playing highway chess!!!
- When we arrived from the airport, we all stuffed ourselves along with all of our luggage, in a car designed for 4 people...So 5 people in a car...along with 7 pieces of luggage...Now I know what it feels like when I see 10 people stuffed in an autorickshaw or any car for that matter in Bharat...I've already experimented with the game, "How many people can you stuff in a Beetle?" What an adventure!!!
I'm sure other interesting, wild, crazy events will occur in the next few days...I'll keep you posted...More adventures in the mother land!!!